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How to add GPS coordinates to a piece
How to add GPS coordinates to a piece

Get better location data by adding the latitude and longitude of where your artwork is located–perfect for public art works like murals.

Elysian Koglmeier avatar
Written by Elysian Koglmeier
Updated over a week ago

**This feature is available only on Organization Account Plans.

Did you know that you can enter the GPS coordinates for your works of art?

Now, you'll know exactly where your artwork is located, which is especially helpful for artworks without a formal address, like sculptures displayed in parks or murals in alleys.

And you can drive community engagement with the artworks in your collection! The GPS coordinates sync to Google Maps on your Public Profile. The Google Map link will be shown on the piece page and the Interactive Map. People can load directions to the artwork on their Google map app and direct themselves to the artwork easily.

How to add GPS coordinates when creating a piece:

GPS coordinates are saved at the piece level, meaning you'll assign and view the GPS coordinates on your piece record. They are not required. You can rely on the location's address if there is one.

If you'd like to add GPS coordinates, here's how:

When creating a piece, you'll be prompted to assign a location. If you click "Create new location," you'll see more fields populate—one of which is for latitude and longitude.

Once you enter the coordinates and click Create Piece, the coordinates will be saved on the Piece record.

*If you do not have GPS coordinates entered, the system will use the Location address for mapping purposes.

**If you have GPS coordinates AND a location address for the piece, and they are different, then the system will override and present the GPS coordinates.

How to add GPS coordinates to an existing piece:

Click onto the piece you'd like to edit.

Navigate to "Current Location" on the piece page. Click (edit). Scroll to the Latitude and Longitude fields to enter your coordinates.

How to link to Google Maps from your Public Profile and Interactive Map view:

With GPS coordinates added to your piece, you can direct community members to your artworks via Google Maps.

To do so, you must need an active Public Profile. Navigate to the Public Settings tab under "My Profile" on the left-hand menu.

Then make sure your location settings are public.

Within the Public Settings tab, check "Show the pieces current location" and "Show a Map Page on your Profile with the current location of each public piece."

Your new settings will automatically save.

This will create a Google Map link on the piece, which people can click on from your Public Profile.

To view your Interactive Map, navigate back to the public view of your profile by going to "view profile" on the left-hand menu.

You will see there are dots on the map where your artworks are located. Click on a dot to see the artwork card for that particular piece. The Google Map link will be included along with the artwork's image, title, artist name, dimensions, and name of the location.

The Google Map link will also be on the individual piece page on your Public profile.

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