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How to Generate a Sales Report

Artwork Archive can help you register, track and report on the sales from your art. 

Updated this week

The sales tracking feature lets you record sales and donations with relevant details. You can then create a Sales Report to summarize your art business income for taxes and other purposes.

Generate a Sales Report

  1. Click on Income in the left-hand menu, then click on Sales/Donations underneath.

  2. Next, click on New Report in the top menu and select Sales/Donation Report.

3. You'll be redirected to Reports page while your report is being generated. 

4. Click on your new Sales Report in blue in the Report column.

  • Here, you can choose from the drop-down menu to either View, Download, Copy URL, or Share directly with a contact.

Did you know?

You can export your Sales & Expense data as a spreadsheet (XLS and/or CSV files) from your Artwork Archive account. You can even filter by year to date for efficient bookkeeping!
Learn more

Example Sales Report:

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