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Generating QR Codes

Create QR Code Labels to link to the piece record, share with your audience, or better manage your inventory.

Updated over a week ago

In Artwork Archive, you can generate three different types of QR Code Labels.

When scanned, each QR Code will direct to a different location online depending on what you need. Some users create QR Code Labels to adhere to the back of their artwork for internal inventory management, while others generate QR Code Labels to place on the wall for an exhibition. No matter the case, Artwork Archive provides various options to fit your needs.

*Click here to learn more about how to generate each Artwork/QR Label.


Option 1: Internal Links

  • When scanned, these Internal QR Codes will link directly to the artwork's (private) internal Piece Record inside your Artwork Archive account. This information is only accessible to you or anyone able to log into your Artwork Archive account.

  • In use: This is a great option to adhere to the back of your artwork for easier internal inventory management.

    Example when scanned:

    Links to artwork's private Piece Record

Option 2: Public Page Links

  • When scanned, these Public Page QR Codes will link to the artwork's page on your Artwork Archive Public Profile.

  • In order for these to be generated, artwork must be marked as "Public." Click here to learn more about how to make pieces public.

  • In use: This is a great option for those wanting to create wall labels for artwork in an exhibition and give viewers more information about the piece as well as the option to inquire or purchase your artwork directly from your Artwork Archive account.

Example when scanned:

Links to artwork's Public Profile Page

Option 3: Custom Link

  • When scanned, these QR Codes will all link to the same custom URL you have provided in the text box.

  • In use: This is a great option for those wanting to direct viewers to a personal art website, a gallery's website or any URL related to the artworks.

Links to the URL inserted

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