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Video Tutorial: Public Profile Overview

Learn more about the Public Profile feature on Artwork Archive

Updated over a week ago

What is the Public Profile?

Your Public Profile is an easy and professional way to showcase your work and share who you are as an artist. It's a great way to gain additional exposure, boost SEO, and is an invaluable asset for any artist looking to grow their business. It’s also linked directly to your inventory, so you never have to worry about separately updating the works on the Profile.

It’s available on any device, so you can show your available work to buyers and galleries wherever, whenever.

What is the Discovery Page?

Discover what other artists and art collections are showcasing on our Discovery Page. By default all of your information is private. If you choose to activate your Public Profile, you become part of our Discovery page where collectors, buyers and art lovers of all types search for art. Interested buyers can contact you directly through the "Inquire" button, share your Public Profile, or directly send you a Purchase Request.

Already have a website? That's okay!

Your Artwork Archive Public Profile works in tandem with your website or online portfolio.

Did you know?

Have you heard about our Embed feature that connects your Public Profile to your website? Learn more about our Embed feature here, prevent double entry, and save time for doing what you love.

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