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How to Track Loans in and Out of Your Collection (for Organizations)
How to Track Loans in and Out of Your Collection (for Organizations)

Stay on top of your loans whether they are on loan into your organization or out on loan with another institution.

Updated over a week ago

Loan Tracking is available for all Organization plans

Never lose track of your artworks on loan. With Artwork Archive's Loan Tracking, you can stay on top of artworks loaned into and out of your collection. Here's how:


Enter an inbound loan

  1. You'll enter the loan information with the Piece's Acquisition Details. You can access Acquisition Details when creating a New Piece or Editing a Piece.

  2. Scroll to Acquisition Details and click Loan In.

    1. You'll be prompted to enter start and end dates, the loan value, and the loan contact.

*If you are retroactively entering loans, you can mark the work as returned in the Loan Returned checkbox.

Return an inbound loan

  1. In the Acquisition Details of a Piece, select Return to Owner when the work has been shipped back to the owner and is no longer on site.

  2. This will automatically update the Piece's status within the Piece's Status dropdown to Returned to Owner.

    1. This status will save the artwork record within the Hidden section as it is not part of your day-to-day inventory. You can learn more about changing the status of your artwork here.

Find current inbound loans

  1. Click Artwork in the left-side menu.

  2. Click More... from within Filters.

  3. Scroll to Acquisition Type and select Loaned In.

  4. Click the blue Apply button.

You'll be shown a list of the artworks currently on loan into your institution.

Search for historical inbound loans

You can track artworks that were loaned into your collection in the past. If you assign the Status, "Returned to Owner," to the artwork when the loan is complete, it will be saved and searchable by that Status.

  1. Click Artwork in the left-side menu.

  2. Click Status from within Filters.

  3. Select Returned to Owner.

Note: Works with the status, "Returned to Owner" will be saved within "Hidden" in the top navigation bar. That is because it is no longer on site and archived.


Enter an outbound loan

You'll enter the loan information with the Piece's artwork record.

  1. Click into the Piece.

  2. You have two options:

    1. Either click the Loan Out icon in the top navigation bar.

    2. Or, click Assign to New Location or Loan from within Current Location.

  3. You'll be prompted to select or create either a Location or Contact record.

    1. You may enter a Location record if you're loaning to a museum or nonprofit. A contact record is utilized if you are loaning to an individual.

  4. You can enter Start and End Dates.

  5. Check the "Out on Loan" box within Loan Info.

  6. You can save additional information within Location Record Notes.

  7. If you'd like to track documentation pertaining to the loan, you can attach documents with the associated Location or Contact record's Additional Files.

Artwork Archive Tip: If you'd like to reflect that the artwork status on your Public Profile or Website embed, you can mark the artwork as "Reserved" to show that it is not in your collection at the moment.

When the artwork has been returned to your collection, you can change the status accordingly – i.e. to "Available."

Search for pieces out on loan

  1. Click Artwork in the left-side menu.

  2. Click More... from within Filters.

  3. Scroll to Loaned Out Filter and select On Loan.

  4. Click the blue Apply button.

You'll be shown a list of the artworks currently out on loan from your institution.

You can also view your outbound loans within its Location or Contact record.

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