What is Location History?
Location History logs the travel and exhibition history of your artwork.
You can view it from two perspectives: through Pieces to see where a specific artwork has been, or through Locations to see what pieces have been at a particular place. This feature helps track the movement of your art across galleries and exhibition venues.
How to view an Artwork's Location History:
Click Pieces in the left-side menu.
Select the desired piece
Find Location History on the right side
How to view a full history of work from a Location record:
Click on Locations in the left-side menu
Select the desired location
Click Showing History at the top
Did you know?
You’ll be able to see the current and past Pieces, the length of time each Piece resided at the Location, and what was sold at the Location.
Exporting Location History from a Piece Record
You can now export Location History for an individual Piece within the Piece record itself. Here's how:
Navigate to Artwork > Pieces.
Click on the Piece record for which you're wanting to export the Location History.
Next to the Location History section, you'll notice exporting text that reads, "Export (XLS, CSV)".
Click on either XLS or CSV to export your Location History data for this Piece record.
The spreadsheet will be downloaded to your device.