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Adding a new Maintenance Record

Track past maintenance records, store important contacts, schedule upcoming appointments.

Updated over 7 months ago

**Maintenance records are relevant for Organizational versions of Artwork Archive only**

Whether you are an organization or individual collector, maintenance is a critical part of protecting and preserving your collection. 

There are two ways to create a maintenance record. 

Creating a new maintenance record from an individual piece:

Click on pieces in the left-hand menu and select the piece associate with the maintenance report.  Scroll down to Maintenance Records (below additional files on the right) and click Add New. Here you can add the details for the maintenance record.  

If this was a past record, simply enter the details and click Create Maintenance Record.

If this is for future maintenance that you'd like to schedule, follow the same steps as above but make sure to check Add Reminder and then set the date you wish to be reminded.

Creating a record from Maintenance Reports

Click Maintenance on the left-hand menu. When on the maintenance screen, click the +New button, select the piece for which you'd like to create the record.

Here you can add the details for the maintenance record.  

If this was a past record, simply enter the details and click Create Maintenance Record.

If this is for future maintenance that you'd like to schedule, follow the same steps as above but make sure to check Add Reminder and then set the date you wish to be reminded.

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