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Where are my old Editions?

Your previously made editions are still here and located in Reproductions now.

Updated over a week ago

Editions that were previously created in Artwork Archive can be found in the "runs/reproductions" tab within Artwork

We understand this might not always be the right term for what you initially created them for, but we hope the new Editions will be a better solve for everyone. 

We didn't automatically transfer your editions over from reproduction for two reasons. First, editions are currently being used for both reproductions and original editions in Artwork Archive. Second, editions now count against your total piece count since they act the same as an original artwork, but are grouped together. Automatically moving your past editions over would dramatically increase your piece count. 

If you have questions about moving your editions over to the new edition feature, we would be happy to transfer them over for you. Please contact us through the on site chat or through

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