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Download or Share Original Image Files

Upload, send, or download high-resolution image files up to 30MB each directly from your account.

Updated over a week ago

In Artwork Archive, you can upload and store high resolution images of your artwork directly to your Piece Records. Once uploaded into your account, you are able to access and download those Original Images Files at any time.


  • Resolution: At least 3000 on the smaller side (For example: 3000x4000 or 4000x3000)

  • File Formats: JPG and PNG tend to work best

  • File size: We can support image file sizes up to 30MB.

Where to find your Original Image Files:

  1. Click Artwork in the left-hand menu

  2. Click into the Piece Record where the image you would like to download is located

  3. Scroll to find the Original Image Files link at the bottom left of the record

  4. Click Original Image Files to reveal images available to download or share

  5. Click Actions to immediately View, Download, Copy URL or Share

Did you know?

You can allow for the original image files to be downloaded or accessed within a Private Room or on an Inventory Report.

Send Original Image Files through a Private Room:

Select the data option to 'Allow downloads of original image files' within a Private Room to enable visitors the ability to access your original image files of the artwork records in the Private Room.

Send Original Image File URLs through an Inventory Report:

For an Inventory Report, select the option to 'Include URL for the Primary Image original file' or 'Include URLs for the Additional Image original files', to include viewers access to to your original image files.

Please Note: These options will include a link to your original image files for each piece in the report. Only use this if you want to share your original high-res image files.

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