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Guide to Reviewing Submissions & Adjusting the Status (for Organizations)
Guide to Reviewing Submissions & Adjusting the Status (for Organizations)

Call for Entry Management Solution - Everything you need to know about reviewing and accepting submissions to your Call for Entry

Updated over a week ago

Once the jury has reviewed the submissions, the Artist Submission page is the main area to manage your artist applicants, submission status, and submission ratings. Here, you can view more details and add the submissions to your Artwork Archive inventory and contact records.

Reviewing Submissions

Once the submissions have been reviewed by the jury, all of your submissions can be viewed in order of their star rating.

To organize the submissions by their star rating, use the sort tool.

The options are: Average Rating (low-high) or Average Rating (high-low).

The average rating is based on all the jurors overall rating for each application they have reviewed.

Setting Submission Status

After reviewing the submissions you will want to indicate which submissions are successful and which are not. The status may be adjusted within the Individual Artists Submission Admin page. This page is an overview of an applicant's submission and includes any star rating and notes added by jurors from the Jury Room.

  1. Navigate to the Call Admin page > Submissions > View

  2. From the drop-down menu, you can select any of the following status options to assign to a submission: To Review, Declined, Maybe, and Accepted.

Accepting Individual Artworks

Each artwork submitted can be marked as accepted on a piece-by-piece basis regardless of the status of the overall application. From the Artwork Submissions page you can view all artworks in a gallery view and select an artwork to view it in detail.

Artworks are marked as Accepted / Unaccepted from within the artwork detail view. Here you can also see the individual artwork ratings and notes from jurors.

  1. Navigate to the Artwork Submissions page.

  2. Click on the artwork image.


  1. Navigate to the Artist Submissions page.

  2. Select the artist by clicking on View.

  3. Once in the artists submission, click on the thumbnail image you wish to mark as Accepted / Unaccepted.

Artist Submission Page View Examples

View of Artist Submissions Page

This page lists all Artist Submissions to the Call for Entry.

  1. Artist Submission / [call name]: Navigates to the Call Admin page.

  2. New Report: Here you can export the artists' submissions as an XLS file.

  3. Email Artists: Allows you to email the Call's applicants in various groups.

  4. Sort: Here you can sort the submissions by either Average Rating (low-high) or Average Rating (high-low).

  5. Filter / Status: This option allows you to filter by status. You can choose All, To Review, Declined, or Accepted.

  6. Applicant name: This is the name of the applicant that submitted the work(s).

  7. View: Clicking View takes you to that artist's submission admin page.

View of an Individual Artist Submission Page

This page is an overview of an applicant's submission. This page includes any ratings and notes added by jurors.

  1. Submission from [applicant name] for [call name]: Navigates to the Call Admin page.

  2. Back to all Submissions: Navigates to the Artist Submission page.

  3. Artist contact information

    • View contact: Links to the applicant's Contact profile in your Artwork Archive account.

    • Email: You can email the applicant directly.

  4. Image thumbnails with title and ratings: These ratings are the average for each artwork. By clicking on the artwork you can see the Individual Artwork Detail.

  5. Answers: If questions are required in the submission, the questions and answers will be included here.

  6. Additional Files: If additional files are required for this Call, they will be visible here. Each additional file includes a thumbnail image of the document and a link to View, Download, or Copy URL.

  7. Status: The current status is show here and can also be adjusted from the drop-down menu.

  8. Ratings: The average rating represents the overall submission star ratings of all of the jurors combined, followed by a list of each juror's star rating.

  9. Notes: All juror notes are listed here.

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