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How to create an Exhibition Report
Updated over 8 months ago

Exhibition Reports are a great tool to stay organized (and impress clients) by presenting information related to an Exhibition in a professional way. Exhibition Reports can include show dates, location information, and the pieces in a specific Exhibition.

To create an Exhibition Report

  1. Click on Exhibitions in the left-hand column.

  2. Select the exhibition for which you'd like to create the report.

3. Click on New Report in the top menu.

4. Select Exhibition Report from the drop-down menu.

5. You'll be redirected to Reports/Docs.

6. Click on your new Exhibition Report in blue in the Report column.

7. You can choose from the drop-down menu to either View, Download, Copy URL, Share, or Rename.

Did you know?

To edit the information on an Exhibition Report, you will first need to update the information within the Exhibition Record itself. Then, generate a new Exhibition Report to reflect the updated information.

Example Exhibition Report:

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